
MEANING OF THE 144,000 144,000 is not just a literal number or reference of messengers, the „elect“ ones, or souled humans of planet Earth. The truth is that it is much more than that and it also has many meanings. 144,000 is a frequency of light and vibration of unity consciousness. It represents the balance of duality. It is the magnetic charge and electric charge in balance. There are all together 7 universes and every Universe is divided into 144 sectors. Each sector is divided into 144,000 Galaxies. Each Galaxy is divided into 144 million constellations…. And this patterns goes on. That means everything is interconnected and we are the microcosm in the macrocosm. So it is not just about 144,000 people or souls being the critical mass, but it represents the whole universe and its sectors, galaxies and constellations. This transition that we are experiencing is a natural transformation into higher dimensions and therefore it is a Galactic Event affecting whole sector of the Un
ENERGY UPDATE  -  PORTAL OPENING ON 5th OF DECEMBER We have already experienced New Moon in Sagittaurius on November 26th and this is happening on the 13th day of a 13 day cycle known as a storm. It is connected to the Mayan God of rain, thunder, lightning, storms in general and mostly rain. The elemental kingdom acts as a communication bridge between humanity as one singular entity, planetary body and the earth soul. Humanity as one singular entity has an emotional body and mental body and a consciousness and we experience the manifestation of out thoughts, our emotions as a collective throught the elemnetal kingdom. That means through the weather, through the elements and through different manifestations within the planetary body. This is the communication between the Earth soul and its devine consciousness and humanity as one entity. This means we experience this as a group and then also individually. As an individual being you may have feeling as if the environment is talki
FLOWER OF LIFE HEART MEDITATION Try this meditation to assist you in connecting with The Flower of Life in your sacred heart. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Allow your body to settle and your mind to go quiet Bring your attention to your heart, just to the left of your sternum. Move your attention slightly up and to the left of your heart, here is your sacred heart chamber. Allow your consciousness to fill up your Sacred Heart, feeling this place of divine silence and light. Take a few moments to feel your own divine essence, all of you is here, not just the small part that lives in your mind and ego In your mind’s eye witness The Flower of Life in this space, floating before you in golden light. Take a moment to absorb the divine wisdom contained in this sacred figure.  Send anything that needs to be healed into The Flower of Life and ask that it will be healed and that you will be divinely guided in this area of your life. Allow The Flower of Life to ex
ENERGY UPDATE - PORTAL OPENING ON 24th OF OCTOBER We are entering an energy portal, which will trigger a lot of solar activity. This will be specifically the case on 27th of October when New Moon occurs. This energy portal is opening today on 24th of October with the Sun in the Scorpio as the moon starts entering the electromagnetic field just few days before the above mentioned New Moon on 27th of October. The portal is opened up until the 4th of November and it is considered as one of the larger portals that we are experiencing during this year. Energy of this portal is significant for us when it comes to shifting to new timeline and integrating codes within us. There is an enegetic wave which is being emmited from the black hole in the center of our galaxy. On November the 1st we are also staring a new 13 day cycle after the moon crosses over the galactic center and is being charged by the solar activity that will be released during this period of time. This 13 day c
THE FLOWER OF LIFE This image of the Flower of Life is being found all over the world. It is found in Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Yucatan, Ireland, Turkey, England, Israel, Egypt, China, Tibet, Greece and Japane. It is found everywhere. Almost everywhere around the world it has the same name, which is the Flower of Life, though elsewhere around the cosmos it has other names. Two of the main names would be translated as the Language of Silence and the Language of Light. It is the source of all languages. It is the primal language of the universe, pure shape and proportion. It is called a flower, not just because it looks like a flower, but because it represents the cycle of a fruit tree. The fruit tree makes a little flower, which goes through a metamorphosis and turns into a fruit - a cherry or an apple or something. The fruit contains within it the seed, which falls to the ground, then grows into another tree. So there is a cycle of tree to flower to fruit to seed and back to a
PROPERTIES AND POWERS OF SILVER AND   THE SILVER TRIGGER 11-11-2019 Silver is the metal of emotions, of the psychic mind, and of loving as well as healing. It is used to bring patience and perseverance to the wearer. When silver is used with gemstones, the metal retains and amplifies the qualities emitted by the stones. It will enhance the connection between the wearer and the stone, allowing for a gentle flow of energy between the two. Silver is known to enhance the powers of the moon, particularly during the full and new moons. Throughout the world it is identified with the lunar manifestations of the Great Mother, the eternal goddess. Since silver is associated with the moon, it is also associated with the yin and feminine energies. As the metal is reflective, as the moon reflects the light of the sun, so does silver reflect negativity from the wearer. Any sliver jewelry can be worn for magical security, used to provide protection against evil intent, reflecting spell