Try this meditation to assist you in connecting with The Flower of Life in your sacred heart.
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Allow your body to settle and your mind to go quiet
  • Bring your attention to your heart, just to the left of your sternum. Move your attention slightly up and to the left of your heart, here is your sacred heart chamber. Allow your consciousness to fill up your Sacred Heart, feeling this place of divine silence and light. Take a few moments to feel your own divine essence, all of you is here, not just the small part that lives in your mind and ego
  • In your mind’s eye witness The Flower of Life in this space, floating before you in golden light. Take a moment to absorb the divine wisdom contained in this sacred figure. 
  • Send anything that needs to be healed into The Flower of Life and ask that it will be healed and that you will be divinely guided in this area of your life. Allow The Flower of Life to expand out from your sacred heart space, surrounding you and then moving out from there to surround your home, community and then the planet. 
  • Watch as The Flower of Life connects up all of the energies on the planet, building a massive grid of light, raising the vibration of the planet and healing broken connections. 
  • Draw The Flower of Life back into your sacred heart space and spend a few moments there in peace, communing with the divine in you, reconnecting with who you really are, beyond this body beyond this lifetime. 
  • When you are ready, take 3 deep breaths and open your eyes


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