144,000 is not just a literal number or reference of messengers, the „elect“ ones, or souled humans of planet Earth. The truth is that it is much more than that and it also has many meanings. 144,000 is a frequency of light and vibration of unity consciousness. It represents the balance of duality. It is the magnetic charge and electric charge in balance. There are all together 7 universes and every Universe is divided into 144 sectors. Each sector is divided into 144,000 Galaxies. Each Galaxy is divided into 144 million constellations…. And this patterns goes on. That means everything is interconnected and we are the microcosm in the macrocosm. So it is not just about 144,000 people or souls being the critical mass, but it represents the whole universe and its sectors, galaxies and constellations. This transition that we are experiencing is a natural transformation into higher dimensions and therefore it is a Galactic Event affecting whole sector of the Universe. This is a natural transformation of Universal balance through Cosmis Law and the 144 frequency vibration. We become the 144,000 by reaching the vibration frequency through ascension during this Galactic Shift. We are just smaller aspects of the whole.

You’ve probably also heard people talk about the 144 dimensions and how the number 144 relates to other spiritual subjects. This is because there are twelve notes in an octave and twelve overtones between each note; and 12 x 12 = 144 dimensional levels between each octave. To be specific, there are 12 major dimensions and 132 minor dimensions within each octave (though in truth the progression goes on forever). This diagram represents one octave. The thirteenth note repeats, then there’s another octave above that one. There’s an octave of universes below this and an octave above, and it stretches on theoretically forever. So as big and as infinite as this universe seems, there are still an infinite number of other ways to express the one Reality, and each dimension is experientially completely different from any other. That’s what much of this teaching is about—reminding us that we here on Earth are sitting in the third dimension on a planet that is in the process right now of becoming fourth-dimensional and beyond. The third-dimensional component of this planet is about to be nonexistent for us after a while. We are going to be aware of this dimension for only a short time. First we will go into certain overtones of the fourth dimension. Most people in the higher dimensions who are watching and helping with this process now believe that we’re going to keep moving on up through higher dimensions quite rapidly.

 The wall between Octaves

Between each whole-note universe and between each subspace or overtone universe, there is nothing—no thing, absolutely zip. Each of these spaces is called a void. The void between each dimension is called the duat by Egyptians or the bardo by Tibetans. Each time you pass from one dimension or overtone into the next, you pass through a void or blackness that’s in between. But certain voids are “blacker” than others, and the blackest of these exist between the octaves. They’re more powerful than the voids that exist within an octave. Please understand that we are using words that cannot fully explain this concept. This void that exists between octaves can be called the Great Void or the Wall. It’s like a wall you have to pass through to get to a higher octave. God put these voids there in a particular way for certain reasons. All of these dimensions are superimposed over each other, and every point in space/time contains them all. The doorway to any of them is anywhere. That makes it convenient. You do not have to go looking for it, you just have to know how to access it. Although there are certain sacred places in the geometries of our reality here on Earth where it is easier to become aware of the various dimensions and overtones—sacred sites, which are nodal points connected to the Earth and the heavens. There are also specific places in space that are tied to the geometries of space. These places are sometimes referred to by explorers as stargates, openings to other dimensional levels where it’s easier to get through. But in truth, you can be anywhere to go anywhere. It really does not matter where you are if you truly understand the dimensions and, of course, are capable of divine love. 


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