Silver is the metal of emotions, of the psychic mind, and of loving as well as healing. It is used to bring patience and perseverance to the wearer. When silver is used with gemstones, the metal retains and amplifies the qualities emitted by the stones. It will enhance the connection between the wearer and the stone, allowing for a gentle flow of energy between the two.

Silver is known to enhance the powers of the moon, particularly during the full and new moons. Throughout the world it is identified with the lunar manifestations of the Great Mother, the eternal goddess. Since silver is associated with the moon, it is also associated with the yin and feminine energies. As the metal is reflective, as the moon reflects the light of the sun, so does silver reflect negativity from the wearer. Any sliver jewelry can be worn for magical security, used to provide protection against evil intent, reflecting spells of harm back to the sender.

Silver can also be used to enhance one’s psychic abilities, as it is a psychic-influencing metal. When worn it stimulates one’s psychic awareness but simultaneously lulls the consciousness. Wearing silver jewelry before sleep is another method of producing psychic dreams. If the piece is set with moonstone or other gemstone with psychic properties like moldavite or cintamani the effects will be more powerful.

Use the lunar qualities of Silver to balance your life, growing what is good and necessary while voiding whatever causes you harm or prevents your evolution. Let it perform like a psychic mirror, allowing you to see your life from the outside. View this new perspective without judgment, but with a purer knowledge of what is best for your highest good. We can therefore use silver for purpose of invocation, expressing and accepting love and work with hearth chakra, attracting abundance into our lifes, improving psychic ablities and rebalancing and reacreating peace within us. 

There is a long history and tradition of healing associated with Silver. It is believed that Silver is antibacterial of sorts. A disinfectant for the human body that boosts your immunity. In many ancient cultures, silver was used to purify water and in the prevention of festering of wounds. In 1884 a Dr. Crede discovered that silver had the ability to cure a disease that had been responsible for causing blindness in thousands of babies. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, wrote that silver had beneficial healing and anti disease properties. Colloidal silver is capable of stimulating the immune system and helping the body to heal itself. It can also aid in wound healing, improve skin disorders and either prevent or treat diseases like flu, pneumonia, herpes, eye infection, shingles, cancer and AIDS. Colloidal silver  has also powerful antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. 

On 11-11-2019 There will be a mass meditation taking place. You are therefore heartily invited to join the worldwide activation THE SILVER TRIGGER on November the 11th to bring the abundance of the goddess back to the planet! More information and detailed instructions for performing the meditation are posted by Cobra on Thursday, October 10, 2019:


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