We have already experienced New Moon in Sagittaurius on November 26th and this is happening on the 13th day of a 13 day cycle known as a storm. It is connected to the Mayan God of rain, thunder, lightning, storms in general and mostly rain. The elemental kingdom acts as a communication bridge between humanity as one singular entity, planetary body and the earth soul. Humanity as one singular entity has an emotional body and mental body and a consciousness and we experience the manifestation of out thoughts, our emotions as a collective throught the elemnetal kingdom. That means through the weather, through the elements and through different manifestations within the planetary body. This is the communication between the Earth soul and its devine consciousness and humanity as one entity. This means we experience this as a group and then also individually. As an individual being you may have feeling as if the environment is talking to you and that is when you are receiving signs and synchronicities, tripple numbers, animal totems etc. This is all part of the devine communucation and the bridge of consciousness. There has been a huge energetic shift when it comes to emotional body of humanity regarding the purification of elements. This will cause that in following few weeks we will experience clearing which will manifest in physical body as release of toxins and purifying of the vessel.

On the 27th of November we had the Neptune stationing direct. That means there is a lot of Neptunian energy flowing in and also New Moon that has taken place is also connected to the energy of Neptune. The 27th of November was also the first day of 13 day cycle, which is ending on the 9th of December. It is connected to a sense of hope, inspiration, compassion, imagination and creativity. On the physical level it is connected to our pituitary gland which is represented by third eye chakra on energetic level. It is also known as Master Gland because it controls many systems within the body like the thyroid, parathyroid, pankreas, adrenals and the reproductive system. It is what helps us to project our thoughts into the reality so we can manifest them and see them with our physical eyes and it is also what helps us to see beyond the physical realm. It has a potential to create a massive change and a lot of people can percieve it as a deep desire to align with what works for them spiritually and applying it into their daily lifes. It is great time for reoranizing things, getting things done, completing tasks and projects. During these days you may realize there is something that is no longer aligned with you because of the shifts that you have gone through spiritually and you have to be able to make those changes in your daily lifes and daily routines to feel fully aligned with your path and getting on the track of your life purpose. The upcoming energy will unable things to start manifesting related to dreams, messages that you have been getting, intuitive knowings, things that you have been deliberately repeatedly visualizing to manifest using your imagination. All of this can start to show up in your physical plane a lot quicker and a lot easier than ever before.

This energy is all about setting up healthy boundaries. That means it is time for you to figure out now in which areas of your life you have given too much energy and merging your energy too much with other people and situations and realizing where you need to have a limit in order for you to not overwhelm yourself. This energy is also related to our life force, the Chi or Prana and it is a good time for an advice or for a prayer. It is also important to not supress any of your lower energies if they occur. Allow it to come to the surface and release the energy. Most of the times when we feel a panic attack or anxiety it is actually something comming up from the subconsciouss to the consciouss mind. So every time you are having these feelings you are about to get to know something. Therefore let it show you what it is you might be overlooking even if it does not feel comfortable at first. Bringing this type of emotion to the surface and being able to process it without judgement and with the perception of an observer will allow you to release it out of your energy system.

On the 5th of December is opening another large 10 day portal. This is the last large portal that will be taking place up until July 2020. We will be experiencing 10 galactic activation portal dates in a row. There will also be a lot of solar activity around this time and then few days after this portal there will be a winter solstice happening on the 22nd of December and on the 26th of December there will be a solar eclipse. It marks the end of the eclipse cycle that began with the solar eclipse on July 2, 2019. It also marks the beginning of a new cycle lasting about six months until the lunar eclipse on June 5, 2020. Solar eclipse conjunct Jupiter brings happiness, optimism, generosity and good luck, with opportunities for personal, professional and spiritual growth. It gives an enthusiastic urge to do all you can, to spread your wings and experience life to the fullest. The keyword “expansion” applies to all areas of life, from relationships to wealth.


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